Collab Hub: Intranet for a Mobile Workspace

by Michael Freeman

It’s time to learn more about using an intranet for a mobile workforce. It’s a major benefit to companies today.

For a lot of business professionals today, working means being out on the road a lot, traveling on their company’s behalf. Their office laptop is constantly in use. They’ve become quite adept at working remotely.

They’re the kind of workers who are going to be major beneficiaries when your company decides to adopt an intranet.

Benefits of an Intranet for a Mobile Workforce

It no longer matters if team members are remote. It could be from their home, another part of the state, a different section of the country. It could even be outside the country, as long as their laptop is connected to your company’s intranet they can stay up to date with their office colleagues.

Intranets are ideal for enhancing a Mobile Workforce. And that’s true as more and more businesses hire remote workers while being assured they’re able to stay updated on company business.

More importantly, an intranet for a mobile workforce allows collaboration on projects with coworkers. This needs to be done in the most effective way possible and in a manner that increases productivity.

If your company is looking for ways to increase internal communications and boost productivity, and a growing number of new hires are working remotely, a system like Collab Hub will make it far more efficient for you to keep all your workers on the same page. And you won’t need to rely on a boatload of emails being sent back and forth all day.

How Can Intranets Enhance the Productivity of a Mobile Workforce?

intranet for a Mobile workforce

More and more companies today are turning to mobile workspaces. In a tight job market, sometimes it’s easier to find talent in a different city than where your corporate headquarters is. Just because they live somewhere else doesn’t mean you can’t still hire the best talent as long as you’re flexible about their location.

This also means a shift in what kind of tools companies want to provide for their remote workers. A lot of them are making the switch from e-mails to alerts on apps or chat apps instead.

There’s also been a change from meetings held in the office to video conferencing instead.

And a key tool today is the intranet.

Intranets have become a particularly valuable way of getting workers connected and sharing information, regardless of who is in the office and who isn’t.

With more and more people traveling on a regular basis, mobile workspaces are becoming the norm.

And a system like Collab Hub can help keep all employees connected on a daily basis.

What Can Collab Hub Do for Business Intranets?

collab hub intranet for a mobile workforce

Collab Hub is an innovative new intranet software that is easy to install and an excellent system for internal business communications.

It provides companies with a self-hosted intranet software powered by WordPress, the content management site that’s used by a fast-growing number of top businesses today.

Collab Hub will create a private network accessible only to your organization’s staff, becoming a central portal that employees can use to access company resources and tools. Each department within your company can have its own page accessible only to workers in that department.

Collab Hub enables you to connect all your workers, including the ones working remotely, so they can begin communicating in the fastest, most reliable and efficient manner possible.

Learning to “Collab” on Projects

So if you’ve been thinking about how to connect your workers and ensure everyone can quickly find what they need and “collab” with one another on work projects, Collab Hub is the easiest WordPress intranet solution for businesses looking to enhance team collaboration.

This intranet allows your workers to take advantage of popular WordPress features, including the ability to publish news blogs, create static pages describing what your company does, post videos and make internal announcements to all departments.

An intranet for a mobile workforce is the way for workers to become fully engaged with colleagues and supervisors. It’s designed to expand opportunities for companies that rely on flexible social and document sharing among workers.

Department administrators can use this software to create access to the site for as many workers as needed, at no extra cost.

Next step: they’re coordinating tasks, working collaboratively on projects.

Finding Cost-Effective Solutions

Best of all, Collab Hub was created as a cost-effective solution for small businesses. The price is just $1,299.

That’s not a monthly fee, but a one-time expense. Once you’ve paid that amount, Collab Hub is yours. You’ve got a system that’s easy to install and it doesn’t require an IT department to handle it.

Other intranet systems, like Sharepoint and Communifire, charge monthly fees for each worker using the system. Collab Hub won’t charge you a dime after you’ve paid the initial fee. You can bring on as many remote workers as needed, and not worry about paying more.

And while a system like MyHub charges $99 a month with no additional fees or expenses for the number of workers using your intranet, that’s still a recurring fee that Collab Hub doesn’t charge. In a little over a year, you’ll have paid more than if you had gone with the Collab Hub one-time payment

How is Mobile technology Changing Our Workforce?

Intranet for a workforce

Because it’s important that companies keep up with mobile technology. You need to be able to use your intranet to assist all your workers, to discover the benefits of an intranet for a mobile workforce.

That’s regardless of location.

Mobile is an increasingly efficient way to handle daily business functions. Having an intranet that connects remote workers lets you accomplish numerous tasks. It gives all workers the ability to operate more quickly and efficiently.

And that’s true as business professionals today find themselves spending more time on the road than in the office.

Collab Hub chose the WordPress system for a reason. It’s more than a platform for blogging. WordPress has evolved and become a truly versatile content management system. It allows you to create fully functional websites and mobile applications.

It also remains very easy to use. It’s flexible for different uses and can be extended through plugins that add extra functionality to your site.

“Most people using WordPress are neither web designers nor programmers. As a matter of fact most folks start using WordPress without any prior knowledge of designing websites. The reason why WordPress is such an ideal candidate is because there are thousands of free templates (themes) to choose from, so you can give your website any look you want. There is a WordPress theme for just about everything … WordPress themes are easy to customize because a lot of them come with their own options panel allowing you to change colors, upload logo, change background, create beautiful sliders, and do other cool things with your website without ever writing any code at all.”WPBeginner

That’s why workers are more likely to be using your intranet.

Power of an Intranet for a Mobile Workforce

So we know today that most companies understand that email, while useful, is no longer the best option for digital communication. An intranet improves communications within your organization.

Think about it: that also improves customer service because an intranet enables your company to achieve higher productivity rates.

And by using Collab Hub, you’re also saving money over other, more expensive intranet software that requires you to make monthly payments to continue using it. Collab Hub has one flat fee.

You can also save money by handling meetings, discussions, and brainstorming sessions within your intranet. It’s preferable to worrying about arranging a set time and place where everyone can meet in person.

And an intranet like Collab Hub is also a great way to listen to employee feedback. Your employees, after all, are your most vital asset.


The rule of thumb for a growing segment of the workforce is simple: no desk, no problem. Businesses can reach all their employees, regardless of location, through an internet.

It’s the key vehicle for internal communication.

Your intranet becomes a crucial way to reach your employees while they’re on the move. And it keeps them updated on company news. Everybody stays in the loop.

Consider the benefits of an intranet for a mobile workforce.

Unlike other intranet plugins, Collab Hub comes with a one-time fee of $1,299. That’s a considerable amount of savings to take advantage of.

The team at Collab Hub is based in Orlando, Florida. They set out to create a cost-effective solution with top-notch development that offers flexible features that other systems don’t have.

The goal at Collab Hub was to develop an intranet platform that would be easy to install and use. There’s no need for the assistance of your IT department or advanced knowledge of coding.

Collab Hub serves clients across the nation, with a laser focus on user-friendly intranet software development. And it is a terrific benefit for your company to have an intranet for a mobile workforce.

Michael Freeman

Michael Freeman

Content Writer and Editor

Michael is the Content Writer and Editor at Chatter Buzz. A native of Massachusetts, Michael has lived in Orlando since 2002, and has more than 20 years of experience as a print and online journalist. Michael has worked at some of Florida’s top newspapers, including The Orlando Sentinel, The Sun Sentinel, The Lakeland Ledger and The Jewish Journal. Michael has also worked as a marketing writer for private firms, and his industry clients have included a property management firm, a real estate company and a political consultant. He has taught communications to college students. Michael earned his BA in writing and communication from Hampshire College and a Masters in political management from George Washington University.